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Creating entries

How to create a new entry via the NMRprime web interface.

1. Log in

Entry creation in NMRprime requires a valid account. Please see our account creation guide if you do not yet have an account. Otherwise, first log in to your account.

2. Begin entry creation

Navigate to the "Create new entry" page to begin entry creation. In the corresponding form, first select a valid name for the entry (this can be changed later) and then define the composition of the measured macromolecule. It is important to note that the macromolecule type and substructure sequences cannot be changed once the entry has been created.

Optionally, an existing entry can be used as a template for much of the metadata required. For this, you must be the owner of the existing entry. If this is the case, simply scroll down to the section "From existing metadata", click on the desired entry to show further details, and choose "Copy metadata to new entry" to select it. The new entry's name and macromolecule details are applied immediately and can be adjusted as necessary, and all other metadata is copied automatically once the new entry has been created. However, no further link is created between the existing and new entries; this feature simply adds convenience to entry creation for multiple similar systems or allows fast creation of a new entry if a mistake in a read-only field is discovered after creation.

Once the entry's name and composition is correct, simply accept the NMRprime Terms & Conditions and select "Create entry" to complete the creation process. You will then be redirected to the new entry's "Properties" page.

3. Add metadata

The "Properties" page of an entry can be used to set metadata relevant to the entry as a whole. The form is saved automatically whenever the data is changed. Additionally, some fields allow automatic filling via identifiers in the following field (e.g. citation information from DOI).

4. Upload files

The "Upload" page of an entry provides a field to add all file types simultaneously. Once a file has been uploaded, its type is determined automatically (see guide on file formats). For some files (especially spectra with 3 or more dimensions), the necessary processing steps (copying to database, validation, format conversion) can take up to 10 minutes. In this case, please do not navigate away from the upload page until all files have been processed.

5. Edit file metadata

Successfully uploaded files appear under their corresponding category in the entry's "Files" page. This page provides a menu for adding each file's metadata (spectrum type, axis assignment, experimental details etc. - see guide on spectrum metadata for the most important details). Data entered here is also saved automatically.

6. Review & publish

Once all data for an entry has been prepared, the review and publication process can begin. At the bottom of the "Properties" page, select "Commit draft entry" to create a read-only checkpoint of the entry. The "Properties" page of this committed draft entry will display a URL containing a token that grants access to the entry and can be shared with co-authors etc. for review. The entry can be "cloned" to a new draft in order to make further changes, then the new draft can again be "committed", and so on until the entry is ready for publication (see guide on entry versioning system).

To complete the publication process, simply select "Publish entry" at the bottom of a committed draft's "Properties" page. Automated data validation will be carried out, followed by creation of bundled versions of the entry, and finally the entry will be assigned an NMRprime ID and published. From this point, it will be publicly available.